For those who are focusing on Deaf Truckers in United States. We have found that the FMSCA is currently having a Medical review Board.

On June 30, 2011, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) Medical Review Board Public Meeting which discussed Cochlear Implants among other issues of truck drivers medical requirements. And, guess what the Board recommended that CI users be allowed only to take the audiometric hearing test.

Can you believe that FMSCA is encouraging people to get CI? This is so wrong. If you don’t believe me, I would like you to review the
following link by NAD:

This is really a huge question. I’ve been working with many deaf truckers accross the country and they were driving without their
hearing aids with no problem. Just passing the test for hearing requirements. Even better, many truckers found ways to get their Class
A License for no reason. I know several deaf truckers who felt forced to get CI because they wanted to become a Truck Driver. Is this right?
I don’t think so. I would recommend that we support NAD on their mission to oppose any hearing requirements for CDL License. Many Deaf
Truckers, NAD and myself can find “no edvidence of deaf and hard of hearing people are higher crash risks than the rest of the

How can you help? Please Submit Comments at the below instructions:

Go to
Click “Submit a comment” on the main page
Select Document Type: “Rule”
Enter Keyword or ID: “FMCSA–2011–0362”

You will see a new screen:

On the row that has a blue link that says “Meetings: Medical Review Board”
Look for a link on the right side that says “Submit a Comment”. Click on that.

I would recommend you keep it 2000 characters or less. If over, then write a word document and save it.

Please submit your information by end of today Friday, July 15, 2011! Please support Deaf Truckers because it’s about skills not hearing!

Thank you,

Dean DeRusso
Deaf Systems Advocate
Regional Center for Independent Living
Advocacy and Independent Living Services for Individuals
497 State Street
Rochester, NY 14608
VP/Voice: (585) 598-4862
TTY: (888) 202-1055
Fax: 585.546.7577
E-Mail: dd******@rc**.org


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