Hello all!

Hope you’re having a nice summer and enjoying it by swimming, camping, hiking or something nice. Summer sure is a great time for different nice things to do.

This email is being sent because I would like to re-visit the Rochester airport again. At the last visit that I had with them was
about 3 years ago when they told me that they are under upgrades and things will be easier to discuss after the construction is done. I believe the construction is basically done and I have recently visited and found a number of concerns that I would like to confront.  Sometime, during the next 3 weeks, I will be meeting with the airport management and the County ADA Manager about several concerns that I have found with the Rochester Airport.

I’m also interested in knowing the problems, concerns or questions that the community has about the (ROC) Greater Rochester International Airport Departures & Arrivals. And I would like to invite the community to share with me of those thoughts.

There are several ways to contact me that are by Video Phone, Email or Online Survey. I would prefer everyone to use the online survey.  However, I will allow others to contact me in their preferred method.  The online survey at below link:

My email and phone number can be found in the below signature. I will be looking forward to your participation results to assist me with a better discussion with the airport management and the County ADA Manager and helping on improving the access and effective communications needs in the airport.

PS: I added this to the national level to see if there are other things to look for that we might not have noticed in Rochester. Anyone can become part of this survey and online report. Just let me know if you been to ROC or not if not then what are some concerns you have at other airports.

Thank you,

Dean DeRusso
Deaf Systems Advocate
Regional Center for Independent Living (RCIL)
Advocacy and Independent Living Services for Individuals
497 State Street
Rochester, NY 14608

VP/Voice: (585) 598-4862
Other VP: (585) 286-2725
TTY: (888) 202-1055
Fax: 585.546.7577
E-Mail: dd******@rc**.org

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