Hi everyone,

So far, I’m not sure if the deaf community actually supports the deaf-blind community in Rochester.  We got 135 people signing up so far.  i would like to see that we get 200 people signed up.   Actually, I would love it if 500 people signed up.  Today’s the last day for this alert.  I know maybe you are struggling on your position.  But, please become part of this as it is important.  We created an action alert that is easy for you to use.  We even have a text area in the alert for you to type your message.  Please check the alert at below link:

I hope those people in Rochester saw during the Rochester Deaf Awareness Week (RDAW) there were several workshops given by the deaf-blind members of the community.  Many people were impressed with that workshop given by presenters who are local self-advocates.  They were the deaf-blind individulas and they used the Special Service Provider (SSP) services to succesfully do their presentation.  Because of that, the deaf-blind individuals were able to give the workshop and even go out of state for training to do this.  And, the SSP services currently is funded by grant funds that were given to Center for Disability Rights (CDR).

The bad news is that the grant was a two year grant and they will expire sometime soon within the year. CDR has been trying to find alternative solution and this was one idea that we came up with.  We hope that our next step by reserving funds for 3 years with New York State Independent Living Council (NYSILC) through their State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) will be a way around this until we can get permanent funds.  Your help in this action alert will help gain three years to make new plans to keep the independence of the deaf-blind people in the community.

Your participation in this alert will show NYSILC how important to people in Rochester that the deaf-blind community gets the services that they need.  If you have not done your alert yet,  the deadline is today as of November 2nd.  Please become part of this alert and show Brad Williams that this service is important!

Action Alert can be found at:

For those who participated in the alert already. Thank you very much! Your help has reached NYSILC but the more people who sign up will help us make a difference. Please send this to your family, friends and neighbors to encourage them to sign up as well.

Time is of the essence, so please send your e-mail RIGHT NOW!

Thank you,Dean DeRusso
Deaf Systems Advocate
Regional Center for Independent Living (RCIL)

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