Hi Everyone,
For those who are involved with the advocacy adventure to push for more Open Caption on Screen at any time and any movies at Regal Theatre 18. Mr. Raymond (Randy) Jr. VP. Chief Administrative Officer & Counsel for Regal Entertainment Group,Knoxville, TN will be meeting with HLAA on Thursday September 11 from 7 pm to 9 pm. Meeting will take place at the DoubleTree Hotel, 1111 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY.
I have yet seen the agenda. However, Sue Miller of HLAA said that she will add our issue on the agenda and it is for “Open Caption on All Screens at Any Time and Any movies at Regal Theatre 18”.
We need support from mambers of the community. There are only 70 seats available at this time. This means that we need to RSVP to HLAA Rochester’s President named Cindy Kellner at ck******@ro*******.com.
Let’s show Regal and HLA of our support that we believe that Rochester, NY, can have open caption movies at any time and any movies when one deaf people attend.
Hope you can join us on September 11 at 7 pm at Double Tree.
Thank you,
Dean DeRusso
Deaf Systems Advocate
Regional Center for Independent Living (RCIL)