Have A Say In Albany – Join the NY Disability Vote Network

It’s time we are heard

Logo for the New York Disability Vote Network

As we enjoy the holiday season, we’re gearing up for another year of advocacy to ensure that people with disabilities live in the most integrated setting possible. 

Is it almost 2015, already?

It sure is!  The state legislature is back in session on January 7th.  We’ll have the Governor’s State of the State Address soon after, followed by the state budget process. 

We need your help in getting ready to push for funding to make sure that people with disabilities stay in their homes and it’s very simple…

Join the New York Disability Vote Network!

It’s easy, it’s free, and it will help create a voter bloc that will show legislators that there are people with disabilities who vote and are watching what they do.

NYDVN is a non-partisan effort to bring people with disabilities and their allies together, not to throw money around Albany, but to make our voices heard and our votes count. 

We don’t care who wins the elections as long as they work to help people with disabilities.

Sign up at: http://nydvn.org/individual-signup.

To learn more about the NYDVN: http://www.nydvn.org

Sign up, tell a friend and share this on your social media.

Thank you,


Dean DeRusso
Deaf Systems Advocate
Regional Center for Independent Living (RCIL)

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