As we approach the 21st Anniversary of the signing of the Americans
with Disabilities Act, the President and Congress continue to
negotiate federal Medicaid cuts that would literally undercut our
freedom. It’s imperative that we let them – and the public –
know that Medicaid is important to us, that it provides vital home and
community-based services and that we can save money by shifting away
from expensive institutional placement toward these services.

1. Take less than three minutes to send a message to the White House
and Congress.

Go to this website to TAKE ACTION:

2. Send a Letter to the Editor to the Wall Street Journal or
Washington Post.

Tell their readers that we need REAL Medicaid reform, not arbitrary
Medicaid cuts! Letters should be less than 200 words. Include your
name, home address, email address, and day/evening phone numbers. With
the 21st anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities
Act, now is the perfect time to highlight that Medicaid services
support our freedom and independence.

Wall Street Journal Letters to the Editor should be sent to:

Washington Post Letters to the Editor should be sent to:

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