14th Annual Rochester Celebration of the signing of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Day Celebration (UDHR)

Saving Ourselves from Frankenstein:

Human Rights in the Era of the Corporate Person

Speaker *David Cobb*, engaged citizen, political activist and attorney, has dedicated his life to making the promise of a democratic republic a reality in the United States. He is on staff at Democracy Unlimited and a spokesperson for Move To Amend, a national action-group seeking to amend the Constitution to outlaw corporate Personhood. He will help us reassert the “human” in human rights.

*Wednesday, November 30, 2011*

  • 5:00 – Doors open at Downtown Presbyterian Church
                (121 Fitzhugh Street, Rochester)
  • 5:30 – Potluck Supper (please bring a dish to pass)
  • 6:30 Program
  • 8:45 End

*This program is presented to the community by 100+ local co-sponsoring groups. The program is free, but a collection will be taken up for Move to Amend. *

By: David Atias at da****@cd****.org


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