Dear Friends of Disability Rights:

On Sunday, April 22nd ADAPT will be hosting our 7th Annual FUN RUN for Disability Rights at Upper Senate Park in Washington, DC. The focus of this years FUN RUN is My Medicaid Matters!

The FUN RUN is an event where sponsored people run, roll, walk and jog around Upper Senate Park to raise funds to organize people with disabilities in every state to fight back against the terrible cuts proposed in state and federal Medicaid programs. These cuts will affect all people with disabilities.

Joining us this year we are proud to announce that ADAPT National FUN RUNNER will be Howard Rosenblum, CEO of the National Association of the Deaf.

Howard is a long time advocate for disability rights in our country.  By clicking on the link below you can sponsor Howard as he runs around Upper Senate Park to support disability rights and ADAPT.

All contributions are tax deductible and go to fund disability rights advocacy.  Thank you for your support of disability rights. For an Institution and Barrier Free America,

The ADAPT Community

Howard A. Rosenblum
Chief Executive Officer

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