Tomorrow, an important Congressional Committee will hold a hearing on the Department of Labor regulations that would dramatically impact a consumer’s ability to hire and schedule personal assistants on their own. 

New York Congressman Timothy Bishop is the only member of this committee from New York State.  We need to make sure that Congressman Bishop hears from EVERYONE across the State (consumers, assistants, advocates) why the Department of Labor’s proposal will decimate CDPAP and our freedom.  Are you a consumer who would have to hire new PAs?  Are you a PA who could no longer afford to work as one?  Are you an FI who would be forced to decide between making decisions for your consumers or go out of business?

Call Congressman Bishop TODAY at (202) 225-3826  or toll free at 866-220-0044 and tell him that you are concerned about the Department of Labor’s proposal’s impact on people with disabilities.  Tell him how these rules would impact you! 

Groups and consumers throughout New York who care about CDPAP and the future of consumer direction have been writing the Department of Labor and warning them of the dangers that these regulations would pose to consumers and personal assistants in the program.  We have told the Department that personal assistants would make LESS money, not more, if these regulations were to be enacted.  We have told them that fiscal intermediaries would either cap PA hours or go out of business.  We have told them that, by their own admission, more consumers will go to institutions.  But so far we have not been heard. 

It is urgent that we utilize the hearing to have our voice heard.  Make that call NOW! 


Call Rep. Bishop at 202-225-3826 or toll free at 866-220-0044 today and ask him to stand with you – for CDPAP – and tell the Department of Labor that the proposal hurts people with disabilities.


Thank you,

Dean DeRusso
Deaf Systems Advocate
Regional Center for Independent Living (RCIL)

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