I would like to thank those who sponsored me. At the same time, I would like to remind those who have not yet sponsored me yet… that it is the time of the year that ADAPT FUN RUN for disability rights is here!

This fundraiser is not about me. It is about about 40 other individuals from the Rochester area and joining 500 disability rights activists from around the nation in Washington, DC, for a series of
actions themed “My Medicaid Matters!” Over the years, these actions have resulted in a massive shift in America’s long term care system – away from institutions and toward home and community-based services. Our progress has been great, but there’s much further to go

These trips are only possible because of the generosity of hundreds of people like you.

The majority of people involved in ADAPT are people with disabilities. Many never had a job; many have lived much of their life in a nursing home or other facility. They don’t have any savings and
the income they get each month is barely enough for rent and food, but they still have the fire in their belly to go to DC and fight for the rights of all the other people with disabilities that are currently still stuck in facilities.

Your sponsorship will support National ADAPT as well as our Rochester chapter, often called the “Nation of Rochester” because we’re so successful in mobilizing people. You help make the hotel and the bus trip to DC affordable for low income people with disabilities who may not have much money, but have amazing passion and commitment to freedom for all.


Please sponsor me for the 2012 FUN RUN and help ensure that people can continue to afford to fight for their rights, and the rights of their brothers and sisters unjustly stuck in institutions. FREE OUR PEOPLE!


Dean DeRusso
Deaf Systems Advocate
Regional Center for Independent Living (RCIL)

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