Please join the Facebook Employment Advocates Want Event at below link:


This is not a job position.  But, it might help you find a job.  We are looking for volunteers who can help us with a project that will look into discriminatory hiring practices in the Rochester area where disability is concerned.  You may have seen this technique used for housing, we’ve decided to try it for employment.

For the past years, the hiring practices got smarter than they were in the past.  It is harder to measure discrimination in the hiring progress.  We need volunteers who will apply for certain jobs.  You don’t have to necessarily be looking for a job, but if you are, who knows, you may end up getting one. We will team up some people to see how each person does in the progress.  If you get a job offer and you want it – GREAT!  You have a new job.  You can even turn down the job if you feel that it is not best fit for you.  We need this to measure the statistics of the progress such as were they called or not.  Did they get an interview or not.  The progress is very simple. This could help improve employment opportunities in Rochester.

Interested?  We’re going to be having an informational meeting on Thursday, April 4th at CDR, 497 State Street in Rochester.  We’ll be going from 5 – 7pm.

You don’t have to be there for the entire time.  While there may be a brief presentation / explanation at the beginning, you can come any time during this time period and we’ll get you set up.  Also, this will become the first meeting that will require several actions afterward.

If you need anymore information or if you’d like to participate, but can’t make it to CDR on the 4th, e-mail or call me at your convenience with the below information.

Oh, and please feel free to share this with anyone you think would be interested, whether they are a person with a disability or not.  Thanks!

Thank you,

Dean DeRusso
Deaf Systems Advocate
Regional Center for Independent Living (RCIL)

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